A Right Way Window Cleaners
Saturday, November 2nd, 2019

Having grown up in Fairfield, Carrie and Mark Herron wanted to move back to raise their son in a smaller community and be closer to family and friends. In order to do just that, Carrie decided to purchase the business, A Right Way Windows, in March 2012. Her husband, Mark, is both the sales person marketing the business and the technician providing the services. Carrie came to the SBDC shortly after acquiring the business as she was working through the various issues related to owning a business. Carrie had questions about workman’s compensation, sales tax collection, recordkeeping and marketing. Business Advisor, Amy Freeman, was able to assist her by providing resources necessary to obtain the answers she needed.
When Carrie realized she needed QuickBooks training, Amy made training videos available to her. In addition, Amy was able to give more personalized, focused training concerning how Carrie’s business could utilize the benefits of QuickBooks. With the training offered, Carrie was able to expand her use of QuickBooks from simply creating customer invoices to paying employees and maintaining her checking account records. Carrie expressed, “The training videos helped me feel confident about using QuickBooks and that keeps our business going on the right track.”
As time went on, Carrie realized that the business needed marketing support. Amy and Carrie worked together utilizing a database to find potential customers for Carrie to send out a mailer. They discussed the use of coupons and other marketing ideas to draw customers to respond to the mailer. Amy explained the services offered by the United States Postal Service that could also assist her in this endeavor. Utilizing the list of potential customers and the USPS services, Carrie successfully completed a marketing campaign and obtained several new and repeat customers to her window cleaning business.
Over the last year, revenue has doubled, and she has hired another full time technician which allows Mark more time to market the business. They have even expanded their services to include painting and deck restoration as needed.