Ballard Company
Saturday, November 2nd, 2019

Located on South 75 in Fairfield, you cannot miss the newly remodeled office and retail space for Ballard Company. What once was a run-down building has a fresh face and new life thanks to the Ballard’s vision. They purchased the new facility in late 2012 and moved the office out of their home and into the new space. The building also has room for various parts and equipment to be sold on a retail basis, as well as a large area for inventory.
Having owned a HVAC business on and off for years, Elmer and Patti Ballard moved back to Fairfield in 2006 and started it up again. The family-run business also employs their son and his wife (Phillip and Bekah). Bekah now handles the bookkeeping and runs the office.
In February of 2013, Bekah contacted Business Advisor, Amy Freeman, at the SBDC for QuickBooks training. Mr. Ballard wanted Bekah to utilize QuickBooks for inventory as well as invoicing and payroll. Before, they had only used the software for posting checkbook data. Over a period of time, Bekah became proficient in handling the various functions QuickBooks offers for a business such as theirs. She can run reports and research customer history easily and efficiently as she has become comfortable with the software. Bekah says, “With Amy’s help and training, I work confidently in QuickBooks and know that she is a phone call away if I have questions.”
Bekah contacts the SBDC whenever she has problems that she needs help with. Amy follows up with her occasionally to see if there are any current concerns.
Ballard Company continues to be a thriving small business. They are widely known in the community as a business that cares about their customers and takes pride in meeting their customer’s needs.